Task Force 589 Wiki
Oleg Zawadzki
Biographical information
Birthplace Vladiovostok, Russia
Birth date January 3rd, 1982
Death date Alive
Physical description
Gender Male
Height 6’7"
Weight 328 pounds
Hair color Unknown
Eye color Green
Affiliation and military information
Affiliation Ultranationalists
Rank Sergeant
Specialty Heavy Weapons
Battles See missions
Class Squad Leader

Oleg Zawadzki is a character seen in the 589 missions. He is an Ultranationalist soldier.


A towering, ham-fisted hulk of a man hailing from glorious Russia, Oleg is one of the best soldiers the Ultranationalists have, wielding his custom minigun and towering over any "baby-men", he is without a doubt the hardest man to take down. Born in 1982, his mother seperated from his father when he was thirteen, soon to marry another man. Despite her protests, he grew to join the Russian land forces in 2009 at the age of 26, quickly learning his trade and being assigned to an infantry unit outside his home city of Vladiovostok. Due to his dissatisfaction with the standard assault rifle and his huge size, the Russian high command initially gave him a PKM machine gun, but since it didn't have enough "bang" for him, he requested a specialized version of the Kord heavy machine gun. He is fluent in Russian and learned English from his father-in-law, though after joining the Russian land forces, he forgot some of it and speaks in broken English some of the time.


It is unknown where exactly Oleg will appear in the story, though he has been sighted by other 589 forces operating in Russia.



  • "I am amused by teeny-weeny baby men!"


  • "Бегите, трусы!" ("Begitye, trusy!" / "Run, cowards!")
  • Ха! Кажется, этот идиот не знал, как надо укрываться!" ("Ha! Kazhetsya, etot idiot ne znal, kak nado ukrivatsya!" / "Ha! It seems that this idiot did not know how to hide!")
  • "С дороги, мать вашу!" (S dorogi, mat' vashu!) / 'Out of the way, god damn it!")

